daterange and max/min Dates

Hi, I can’t figure out how to set in config maxDate and minDate for daterange widget.


Now this functionality is not supported by DateRange, but it sounds like a good improvement for the future updates.

Yes, I think we should be able to configure most of the properties of Calendar widget. Meanwhile, what the easiest way to achieve this? Get calendar widget somewhere from the hierarchy of daterange and set these params?

Well, actually, disabling dates is partially implemented in DateRange. You can use minDate and MaxDate as part of calendar settings:

But it may treat initial dates incorrectly, so we will add this fix as soon as possible. At the same time disabling dates via blockDates property is not supported at all and may lead to unexpected behavior.



I wanted to know if the minDate setup function was implemented in daterange.
Or if there is a way to set the minDate dynamically.


Why does the date range always display on init the current and the next month? I guess the date range was designed for the “book vacation” use case, in which it makes case to select dates in the future. But there are many use cases in which there is no data in the future - currency/stock chart periods, historical data about products sold etc.

Is it impossible to have the calendar end on the current month? I’ve tried disabling dates in the future but that only shows an entire month grayed out. Not very “pro”.

I think no month pages beyond calendar.maxDate should be shown by default. Showing them disabled isn’t useful to the user.

Also, please update the generic page for moveSelection with regards to calendars specifically.