AngularJS, Datatable and cssFormat


I need to format specific cells in Datatable. The application uses AngularJS and I am defining the Datatable using Angular directives. How do I specify the CssFormat like it is shown in the documentation.

{ id:“votes”, header:“Votes”, cssFormat:mark_votes }

I tried defining an attribute of the Div but the function is never called. I defined the function as $scope.mark_votes = function …


Thanks for your help.


Problem confirmed and fixed. Now in all places where function can be defined by the name - component will check the handler in the current scope, and if it absent will try to find a global method with the same name.

You will need to use
{ id:“votes”, header:“Votes”, cssFormat:“mark_votes” }

I will post an updated build later today.

Thanks a ton.

You can grab the updated build here -