[2.4] Different between webix.js and webix_debug.js


when using webix_debug.js will show message: Non unique view id: daterange. Is that problem?

webix_debug.js contains extra asserts. As result, you will see warning messages when inner API receives wrongs values. It is not an error, but a sign that some API was used in wrong|not-expected way.

Non unique view id: daterange

It seems you have two controls with the same id.

Thanks maksim.

I want to create new component, so I give each inner component with id, that I can use this.$$(‘xxx’) in the component. I check the document that isolate: true and webix.IdSpace is the solution for this scene.

The demo works normally with warning message(in debug version), I don’t think that’s issue or not. Or is that a better way for the scene?

If you have two views with the same id on the screen, the $$ will not be able to return the correct one.

If you are using isolate or IdSpace it must not be a problem