2.If I set a cell as a custom/int/percent format,I hope to limit user to input any char except 0-9 and decimal separator.
Also, I need to limit user to do this:
if decimal is 2. User can’t keyin 2.35454
and control user input the specified length of the text.
couldn’t we create fully custom editors like this:
webix.editors = {
I saw it in Data Editors of Guides, Managing Data in a Component Webix Docs
about this issue,I am sorry I didn’t make myself clear.
2.1) If this cell is int or percent format, I hope user cannot input any char(a-z) but only 0-9 and .(Decimal character);
2.2) if this cell is formatted to show 2 digits,then i hope to limit user to input third digit rather than show 2 digits after editing by toFixed(2).
2.3)If this cell is text format,need to show the text by specified max length.