Access AJAX response object in Datatable onAfterLoad

Hi, is there any way I can access the raw AJAX response for datatable load events? I noticed there is no parameters in onAfterLoad().

Thanks a lot

onAfterLoad event really doesn’t have such parameter. Event is called after loading data by various means from different sources, not all of them is related to AJAX operations.

If you really need to access the raw data you may use normal ajax call instead of .url and .load API

var data = webix.ajax().get("some.php", function(text, data, x){
   /*custom code*/


My data is loaded dynamically as I scroll, so I don’t think this work. Is it possible to create a custom loader ?

My data is loaded dynamically as I scroll

You can use onDataRequest component in the same way

$$("some").attachEvent("onDataRequest", function(start, count){
    var data = webix.ajax().get("some.php", { start:start, count: count},  function(text, data, x){
        /*custom code*/

Is it possible to create a custom loader

Yes, check Webix Proxy Objects of Guides, Interacting with the Server Side Webix Docs