Is it possible to access server response in uploader with ‘autosend: true’ ?
You can use onFileUpload event.
Second parameter - server side response
Is this the right way?
id: 'ed_file_upload',
view: 'uploader',
autosend: true,
upload: proc.request_url,
action: 'data_file_upload'
// Init file upload dropzone.
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
$$('ed_file_upload').attachEvent('onFileUpload', function(a, b, c, d) {
console.log('a: ' + a);
console.log('b: ' + b);
console.log('c: ' + c);
console.log('d: ' + d);
File is uploaded, action parameter is sent, but console is empty as if ‘onFileUpload’ is never triggered.
onFileUpload will fire only if upload operation has a valid response from server side. There is a pair onFileUploadError event which will fire in case of uploading error. It has same parameters.
Can you check, what is the server side response for the file uploading operation ?
As described here:
Added ‘status’ key with value ‘server’ to server response.
‘onFileUpload’ event is now triggered.
I thought it would trigger without that…
Uploader must fire onFileUpload event for any valid json response
Well, it didn’t.
Example server response, ‘onFileUpload’ event is not triggered:
"price_data_import_result" : "Location: ZELANO/Shavyrin Terminal\
NOTE: Import complete: 36 items (36 buyers, 16 sellers) for 1 stations in 1 systems"
Adding 1 more key fixes the issue, ‘onFileUpload’ is triggered:
"status" : "server",
"price_data_import_result" : "Location: ZELANO/Shavyrin Terminal\
NOTE: Import complete: 36 items (36 buyers, 16 sellers) for 1 stations in 1 systems"
I’m afraid that it’s a bug
Sorry, you are right. The event will be triggered only when response has status:“server”
We will update documentation and will consider changing the code to trigger this event on any valid json response.
I don’t think this has been fixed as of version 2.5.14