Access to bar in pivot-chart with subgroups


I have a problem to access bar that is clicked at grouped pivot-chart.

Pivot chart can not be rendered at link but when I use it in my script it works. It generates two sets with three bars. (“A,B;C”) with values. When I click on item the ID will return group but I have grouped two times and I just do not know how to access this sub group. Yes, If I click at “A” it will tell me that I have clicked at “GroupA” but I do not know if it was “A”, or “B” or “C”.

Can you tell me is it possible to access clicked item with this structure or I have to change SQL.

EDIT: well, I have the same issue when I try this chart

onItemClick returns same id for all three series and I would like to refer per serie.

Oh, I found it…
