Accodion item without specified height can't be expanded.

Accodion item without specified height can’t be expanded. Looks like a bug.

Is there any work around?

Is it possible to add scrollbar for accordion?

Add an empty spacer to take the free space at bottom of accordion

    { gravity:0.0001 }

Is it possible to add scrollbar for accordion?

You can wrap accordion in scrollview.

Thanks for reply! Gravity item works fine when there are no resizers.

But I think it’s a bug…

Expand last item, move resizer and try to expand last element again.

When all open items are expanded moving bottom resizer inflicts collapse of all elements:

webix.ui ({
  view:  'accordion',
  multi: true,
  rows: [
    { header: '1', body: { cols: [{template: 'a'}, {template: 'b'}]}},
    { view:'resizer' },
    { header: '1', body: { cols: [{template: 'a'}, {template: 'b'}]}},
    { view:'resizer' },
    { header: '1', body: { cols: [{template: 'a'}, {template: 'b'}]}},
    { view:'resizer' },
    { header: '1', body: { cols: [{template: 'a'}, {template: 'b'}]}},
    { view:'resizer' },
    { header: '1', body: { cols: [{template: 'a'}, {template: 'b'}]}},
    { view:'resizer' },
    { header: '1', body: { cols: [{template: 'a'}, {template: 'b'}]}},
    { view:'resizer' },
    { gravity:0.0001 }

Yes, it is.
You can remove resizer from the bottom cell, or use autoheight for templates

Thanks! Auto height works fine!

And is it possible to resize only first accordion item so the second one moves down with it’s size unchanged?

It is not possible currently ( you can use sub-layouts but it will complicate ui a lot )

Will be added as a part of next major update.