'actions' is undefined in File Manager


Trying to add a new menu item to the context menu in File Manager. But always getting undefined object when trying to get the actions object by the below code -

var action = $$(“files”).$$(“actions”);

complete code below-

webix.ready(function () {
var fManager = new webix.ui({
container: “content”,
height: 800,
view: “filemanager”,
id: “files”,
handlers: {
“upload”: “/WebIx/Upload”,
“download”: “/WebIx/Download”


        var actions = $$("files").$$("actions");
        actions.add({id: "myAction", icon: "file", value: "My Action"});//actions is undefined



we will correct our docs. Please use the following to access menu and add new actions:

var actions = $$("files").getMenu();
actions.add({id: "myAction", icon: "file", value: "My Action"});

Thanks a lot, actually I already reverted to use .getMenu().