Additional sources documentation for the GPL release of Webix 4.0

Hi all,
I’ve just started evaluating Webix for an app i need to develop. For me looking at the sources is of significant importance to understand how a framework works but I found very difficult to follow the source in the big “webix_debug.js” file so I spent some time on splitting it up an somewhat “cross-referencing” it, with links to the official docs (that i must say find not so comfortable). Anyway, you can find a first result of this work here:

Maybe you will find it useful :wink:


We are in the process of migrating codebase to es6 modules, so hopefully, in next few updates, we will be able to provide a component-per-file sources in addition to the existing single-file sources.

that’s very good news! Using rollup? webpack2?

The url has changed, it is now Webix code, augmented — ytefas-webix 0.1 documentation