Alternate Row Highlighting and Overriding Cell Color

For some reason my datatable has alternate row highlighting. This is a problem because it is overriding the cell color formatting I have defined.

2 questions -

  1. how do I remove alternate row highlighting
  2. how do I prevent alternate row highlighting from overriding my color function


MetricRuleTable Class

public static ColorCell(value) {
    var cellColor = {};

    cellColor["background"] = value;
    return cellColor;

Which skin of Webix you are using ?


never mind - i had a different style css file in another directory. thanks for your help

Material skin must not have an alternative row highlighting by default.

Please be sure that you are including only material skin CSS file on the page, and not using the default webix.css.

If issue still occurs, please share any kind of sample or a demo URL, where problem can be checked.