Angularjs form databinding


I’m not able to get databinding work in a form with angularjs. Below is my snippet. Am I missing something?

Also, Is there any event, that will be fired only when a form element data is updated by user and not while binding (seems onChange will be fired always).

Thanks in advance!

The space between the start & close div tags was causing the issue. After removing it, binding is working fine.

Could you pls guide me on my 2nd question.

When user changes anything in the form, we will do some calculation and update the bound data. But this triggers onChange event again & again, causing infinite onChange events (as in snippet).

Any solution/better way for this.

Thanks in advance!

Check the updated snippet

if (newv != oldv && oldv != webix.undefined){

The above line will prevent any changes if value wasn’t really changed, and block the onChange for initial value setting.

This solved my problem! Thanks!