I’m a beginner with Angularjs. I’m going to develop an application with this framework and Coldfusion for retrieving data from a database.
I have a problem with the compatibility on IE9 (mandatory and used by default in my office). All works in Chrome and Firefox and IE10 and IE11, and I do not know why the application does not work on IE9.
The problem is that the view is not shown when a click is done on the button in the top menu (in order to display all contacts or the view with the form for adding a contact). I think that it’s a problem with the “ng-route” dependency, but I’m not sure. Or it could be a problem with the feature “history.pushState”…
I’m using the last version AngularJS and the dependency “ng-route” (angular-route.min.js).
Could you please help me to find a solution to this problem and allow to the application to work on IE9.