Another 6.3 bug

In my web app, I have custom css to change the background color of toggle buttons. This worked in 6.2 and earlier versions. It no longer works in 6.3. This is seen in your own sample code at

Choose 6.2, click on the toggle and it changes color. Choose 6.3, click on the toggle and nothing happens. This happens in each of the styles (material, flat, etc).

From poking around in your css, inspecting elements using my web browser, and trying to find a workaround, it appears to me that the css changes only get applied to the enclosing div, but not to the button.


Why don’t you use toggle view for such issue?
Please check the sample:

Hi @dethier

Yep, with 6.3 default button styles became too strict, so to redefine them you will have to provide the whole chain:

.webix_el_button.webix_secondary button.toggleOn  {
    background-color: #00c8ff;

We are planning to revise the CSS and release the patch version this week with less strict rules.

I am actually using the toggle view for this. It still had the same issue. I worked around it by overriding the transparent style to make it fully transparent so the div color worked for me.

Thanks for providing the whole chain I would need. That’s what I was unable to quite figure out by looking at the css file. Missed the button.toggleOn.