Application with Datatable and DHTMLX Scheduler - webix.toExcel don't work

Hi webix team, I have a app with Datatable and DHTMLX Scheduler. Like - I use webix.require.disabled = true; in my script, but then the webix.toExcel export don’t work. Do you have any advice. Thanks Rainer

Hi Rainer,

Using webix.require.disabled:true is optional if third-party dependency files are located at your domain rather than loaded from webix.cdn.

Otherwise, cross-domain issues may occur. However, we will double-check the samples from the “32_thirdparty” folder, we may have fixed the issues long ago.

So, you can remove this settings and follow the same example in the Components repository. The integration code will load dependencies itself using the same webix.require.

Hi Helga, many thanks, now my app is working