I have a data table which lists some data. I have an Add button also on tool bar so whenever i click on add I want to show a dialog box to user which allows user to choose the language he/she wants to add data in. My question is how can I get the result of the selected language from dialog? Imagine in the dialog I have a rich select and when it opens user selects a language and click on ok and dialog gets closed and I open another window and pass on the selected language.
Thank you @integral for the snippet. Is there anyway in webix to produce something like java script prompt? I need to open the window so user selects the language then when user click ok the select language window gets closed and i get the value of the selected language in a variable. then i immediately open another window and pass on the value that user selected in the select language modal.
So basically it’s
User clicks on “Add” button on Window1 → Window2 shows up , user selects the language and click ok → by clicking on ok on window2, it gets closed and code returns to window1 “Add” button click function. → at this point i want to have the value of the selected language in Window2. → Window 3 opens and the value of selected language gets passed to it.