Bug: Filemanager RENAME


for database based folders and files i use IDs like “folder|234” or “file|334”.

When i execute the “rename” action, i get an error “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘value’ of undefined”.

I am returning something like:
{“id”:“folder|234”,“value”:“New Folder Name”}


(when i am returning just an empty string with php, i get no error)


we have reproduced the problem. It occurs if a new id is the same an old one. We will correct the issue in the next update.

You announced an update today… i think 3.2 :slight_smile:

But i fixed this problem.

The bigger problem is the bug, that on the root item there is no right click menue :frowning: Did not find out how to fix that.

The bigger problem is the bug, that on the root item there is no right click menu

You can add batch: “root” property for menu items that you want to show for the root folder:

var root = {"create":1, "paste": 1, "upload": 1};
    var id = item.id;
          item.batch = "root";