Bug in Angular Chart (DataLoader)

You might want to check this out…

HTML markup (pseudo code):
ng-repeat assumption in assumptions
div webix-ui view=“chart” webix-data=“assumption.chartdata” type=“bar” value="#value#" borderless=“true”>

where assumptions is provided by a service and put on the controller’s scope and chartdata is a JSON object.

This generates an error orginitating in the webix-data directive $watchCollection → webix.DataLoader → _onLoad → return this._onLoadError(text, xml, loader);
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘indexOf’ of undefined webix_debug.js:2221
(anonymous function) webix_debug.js:2221
webix.EventSystem.callEvent webix_debug.js:516
webix.AtomDataLoader._onLoadError webix_debug.js:1844
webix.DataLoader.webix.proto._onLoad webix_debug.js:7562
webix.AtomDataLoader.parse webix_debug.js:1828
(anonymous function)

if now I put the chartdata in an array on the controller’s scope:
$scope.chartdata = [];
assumptions.each(function(a) {$scope.chartdata.push(a.chardata)})

and change the html markup to

div webix-ui view=“chart” webix-data=“chartdata[$index]” type=“bar” value="#value#" borderless=“true”>

It works fine.

Note, that in the service provider, I make sure to use a dummy chartdata object while building it and then cloned it to the object which was being watched…otherwise I would get $digest.error maximum iterations exceeded…

Problem confirmed, I will provide the fixed build later today.

In above case the inner-error occurs during data loading, and to make things worse debugging system throws one more error while attempting to log details of the first error.

Try to use the updated build - https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.hipchat.com/15721/61242/QIN5WV55xRyFso9/webix.zip

Most probably it will work correctly in above case.

Thanks Maksim.

It fixed some of the problems.

I’m not able to get either of the following to work:
(in an ng-repeat loop=“assumption in assumptions”

div webix-ui=“mcChartConfig” webix-data=“assumption.formattedPdf” style=“width:250px; height:150px;”


    $scope.mcChartConfig =  {
            isolate: true,
            view: "chart",
            type: "bar",
            borderless: true,
            value: "#value#",
                template:"#xlabel#" //tooltip


nothing shows

and with,

div webix-ui view=“chart” webix-data=“histograms[$index]” color="#color#"
type=“bar” value="#value#" borderless=“true” xAxis="{‘title’: ‘Value’, ‘template’: ‘#xlabel#’}">/div>

the graph displays, but without the xAxis (likewise, if I replace xAxis by tooltip…and no title )

if I replace webix-data=‘assumption.formattedPdf’ nothing is plotted. Note that
$scope.histograms[i] = $scope.assumptions[i].formattedPdf

Basically, at this point, I cannot decorate the chart.


I need to create stacked area charts in an ng-repeat loop. Putting all the info in the markup isn’t working, nor is the preferred method of initing from a config object:

   $scope.mcChartConfig =  {
        isolate: true,
         eventRadius: 5,

                color: "#58dccd",



div webix-ui=“mcChartConfig” webix-data=“quartileCharts[$index]” >

I really would appreciate your help in getting this working!



Problem with ng-repeat fixed, now you can use it with webix-ui directive. Something like next will work

  <div webix-ui>
    <div ng-repeat="chart in charts" view="chart" type="stackedArea"
      alpha="0.7" eventRadius="5" webix-data="chart.data">
      <config name="xAxis" template="#year#"></config>
      <config name="yAxis"></config>
      <config stack='series'>
        <config ng-repeat="serie in chart.series"  value="#{{serie.template}}#" color="{{serie.color}}">
          <config name="tooltip" template="#{{serie.template}}#"></config>

Also, update adds config sub-tag, which can be used to define complex properties, and it can be used with ng-repeat as well. You can check working sample in samples/33_angular/07_ng_repeat.html

Package - https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.hipchat.com/15721/61242/Uu0JDGcKKcc3J8D/webix.zip

The current usage of ng-repeat works as one-time binding. If you change values in charts or series collections - webix views will not be updated.

Unfortunately it seems that angularJS doesn’t provide any event when ng-repeat removes element from collection, so it is not possible to reconfigure widget automatically, each time when collection changes.


I’m not able to get the config tags to be taken into account…

To reconfigure the elements automatically, I had to resort to an “ugly hack” when I was using highcharts in a custom directive:

I added an attribute “chart-actions” to the directive, which is basically a collection of flags. I then set a $watch on it.

for example, in the controller, I defined

$scope.chartActionList = [{‘refresh’: false, ‘redraw’: false, ‘clearAll’: false}]

then somewhere in the controller,
$scope.chartData = some new data;
$scope.chartActionList[‘refresh’] = true;

this would trigger the $watch on chartActionList and from there the appropriate method got called and the flag reset.

So, perhaps one way to fix the problem is to put a $watch on the directive’s webix-data attribute

like I said, an ugly hack…

Please check

Latest build https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.hipchat.com/15721/61242/YBe6dbSdkr0LuPJ/webix_1.4.2.zip