BUG: Refused to get unsafe header "Webix-Token"

http://webix.com/snippet/6e7a8b73 shows that
webix.ajax().get("some.php", [callback1, callback2]); doesn’t work. The console shows an error Refused to get unsafe header "Webix-Token".

webix.ajax('some.php', callback); works, but webix.ajax().get('some.php', callback) doesn’t.

The ajax operations page should document how to pass callbacks to webix.ajax.get().

Currently ( Webix 2.1 ) it works as third parameter or through object notation.

Starting from Webix 2.2 it will continue to support old ways and short notations as in your example. Basically syntax of webix.ajax, webix.ajax.get, webix.ajax.post will be unified and support all described loading patterns

webix.ajax().get(url, callback)
webix.ajax().get(url, params)
webix.ajax().get(url, params, callback)
webix.ajax().get(url, [array of callbacks])
webix.ajax().get(url, params, [array of callbacks])

Nice! 2.2 will be a great release.