I am having a weird problem and was wondering if anybody else has experienced it.
When clicking on my close button the specified function is not triggered. Not even the functions from the example like (“alert(‘handler’);”)
Here is the code i am currently using:
var self = this;
var url = listItem.model.get('Filename');
self.popupWindow = webix.ui({
view: "window",
id: "clients-detail-file-window",
modal: true,
height: 650,
width: 900,
position: "center",
top: 100,
bottom: 100,
head: {
view: 'toolbar',
css: 'grey-brd-btm',
cols: [
label: "Bestand",
inputWidth: 100,
view: "button",
label: "Download bestand",
inputWidth: 200,
align: "right"
id: 'file-window-close-button',
label: "X",
width: 50,
align: "right",
on: {
'onItemClick': self.fileViewerClose
body: {
template: "<iframe src='"+url+"'></iframe>"
Also tried click: self.fileViewerClose both did not trigger anything.
And: click: ‘$$(“clients-detail-file-window”).close();’ same result.