Button on footer from kanban editor

Can I put a button or icon on the footer of the editor from the kanban? Now are two button in the footer. We want to display another button there.

Hello @khvde,

You can get the editor via getEditor() method. Using addView() method help you to add button to the layout of the editor
Unfortunately, after testing the issue we found a bug so I’ll send you a sample with a quick fix: https://snippet.webix.com/m3ry8hz5
The fix will be included in the next release

That’s good.
Can I change the order of the buttons?


addView(object view, [number index] );

You can add a needed number to the index parameter as
layout.addView({view:“button”, label: “Add”, width:80, css:“myStyle”}, 1)

Thx, it works!

One more Question:
Can I change the Save-button into a Save-icon (mdi-content-save)?

Please check the sample: https://snippet.webix.com/j75zfypw
I added a random icon, you can add any other

But the function behind the button no longer works. I want only replace the view, not the function behind.

Please check: https://snippet.webix.com/9a5jj6fv

Great, thx!

Arrgh, I have got a error message.
What is this?
form._recollect_elements is not a function[Weitere Informationen] webix.js:19737:16
_replace webix.js:19737
_ui_creator webix.js:1998
ui webix.js:1935
changeEditorButtonToIcon logic:190
ready app:360
delay webix.js:323

Hello again,
Could you send, please, more details about the error message? In which case this error appears?

In ready:

logic.changeEditorButtonToIcon($$("kbb"), "Save", "mdi mdi-content-save");

In logic:

changeEditorButtonToIcon: function(kanban, label, icon) {
	var editor = kanban.getEditor();
	var button = this.getEditorButton(editor, label);
	webix.ui({view:"icon", icon: icon, click: button.config.click},button);
getEditorButton: function(editor, label) {
	var button;
	var buttons = editor.queryView({
			view: "button"
		}, "all");
	var number = 0;
	for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
		if(buttons[i].config.label == label) {
			button = buttons[i];
	return button;

Here a snippet:

This error message is connected to the bug which I mentioned above
For now, just add some code like here:
After release a new version this would be fixed.

Oh, okay. Thx a lot!

The fix is ready in PRO 6.3.3 version
In GPL version the fix will appear in 6.4 version