can't get parent window from suggest list

Actually, I wanted to show progress indicator while using search suggest with custom proxy.
It works fine now:
but I would like to understand how to get top window by hierarchy, without knowing window id, currently I can only get “suggest window”.
Also, if you can see that there is more simple way to add progress while using custom proxy, please share.


You can get to a prent window as view.getParentView(): But it is not visible at that moment. Suggest windows are shown after they receive filtered data.

Probably I wasn’t clear, cause you answering not my question.
I need to get “top” window, the one where whole form is, the window with id ‘winform’, I want to get it without using id, I want to get it by

So you need to get to the master input first and then get its top parent view:

    var input = view.getParentView().config.master;
    var win = $$(input).getTopParentView();

Spot on! Thanks