As the title says, how do I load images in a carousel from external URL (ex. from php)?.
any update?
In the dhtmlx touch version I was able to add the images dynamically, am I missing anything here? I can’t find a load method available for carousel.
I was trying to load the image using ajax and pushing to the cols property, I can able to see the carousel object got the images, but not able to load in the carousel. it says index not available
you can use webix.ajax to load data. And then create carousel dynamically:
carousel doesn’t have addview method. Adding a layout under carousel and add image using addview works, but all images are shown in the current view.
carousel doesn’t have addview method
Yes, carousel contains Layout, but it is not a Layout.
I meant that you can create carousel dynamically as part of some Layout. You can add carousel into existent layout or replace cells of a Layout with the new cells that contain Carousel view:
For example Code Snippet
Thank you. It seems anything is possible in webix. I was using dhtmlx for the past 6 years, and never seen these many possibilities.
You are welcome!
I’m not sure that anything… But we are happy that you are using Webix and loving it’s features.
I am trying to load the image from external link by using your example, but I can’t make it. what I am doing wrong?.
Carousel should be created after data loading:
Thank you.