Cell Editable parameter from server

Can I send a parameter from server to specify whether a particular cell is editable or not in a treetable.

You can have some attribute in the row object and onBeforeEditStart event that will return true or false based on such attribute ( returning false will make cell not-editable )

Hi. Just saw the updated code.
Having some issues. Keyboard navigation is not working with new code.


Can you please share a peace of code which doesn’t work for you.

Both navigation: true and custom key handlers like follows are workig correctly for me.

webix.UIManager.addHotKey("enter", function(){
    $$("a1").editCell(1, "a")

I commented on wrong question actually.

My main issue was this:

The new update in changelog says this is fixed, but pressing tab redirects me to address bar and also navigation has stopped working.

Locally the same use-case works correctly. Can you provide the code for which problem arise ?