i have a column in a datatable that is type check box and this datatable has a DataProcessor attached to it.
now when i check any of the records the dataProcessor doesnt kick in .
then i tried adding the checkboxRefresh option to the dataTable and it started giving me this error after i check or uncheck any row:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘$parent’ of null
‘checking the checkbox must trigger datasaving with and without checkboxRefresh’ is not a good idea , setting checkboxRefresh to true, just paint, without datasaving! For example, check multi rows to delete.
I agree that there are cases, where you do not want to trigger edit operations after checking checkbox. Still in most cases checking the checkbox is a data edit operation, and its result need to be saved.
We will check that both scenarios will be possible
By the way, for multi-row deleting you can use multiselect, rather than checkboxes.