Is there any facility for validation of component data against server data? I would use it to validate log in form.
please check the article about client-side validation:
Sorry but I was talking about checking if data item(primary key or not) exist in server DB. Maybe a method capable of reading a single row in a datatable returning the row data if exist or false otherwise. I am trying to do this with load method with onAfterLoad /onAfterFilter combination in a custom filter. However for some unknown reason the "{onAfterfilter} is firing twice for a single execution. Do you kow why please?
I don’t think that Webix have something for such kind of validation. You can use common webix.ajax calls to send a row data to a server side, and based on its response mark row as invalid. (
is firing twice for a single execution
If you have multiple filters per grid, the onAfterFilter method may be called multiple times ( once per filter )