“Two columns for the datatable are fed directly from employees and customers collection where they get text values instead of IDs”
Is datatable id:“employee” mapped to the render_table column “id”?
Which text column from the render_table is displayed instead of the ID?
In the other hand, 20_select_server.html sample shows a different behaviour, using options and collection properties indistinctly for filling editable select/richselect columns with “data/options.json”.
Sorry, still don’t get it. I think it should work like an inner join right? If so, datatable must supply a key value for looking up into the collection and get some description.
Department data sample:
var dataDepartments = new webix.DataCollection({
id: “dataDepartments”,
url:“ords->/ords/hr/departments/”, datatype:“ords”
Employee data sample:
Roger that. Id/Value named columns must be in place to make the dataTable options property work right. Thank you guys. I’m sorry for this late retro-feed.