Counter OnClick

when clicking the “label” in the counter the counter calls Next()!

so when you mis-click (left of the negative sign) and touches the label you get a Next() command instead of Prev().

can this behaviour change in future versions?

Solution can be:

Change the html “<input id=’”+id (from : ‘webix_inp_counter_next’ part)
into the ‘webix_inp_counter_value’ html part.

(exam.: html += common._baseInputHTML("input")+ " id='" + id + "' " + .... 

		template:function(config, common){
			var value = (config.value||0);
			var id = || ("x"+webix.uid());
			var html = "<div class='webix_el_group' style='width:"+common._get_input_width(config)+"px'>";
				html +=  "<input type='button' class='webix_inp_counter_prev' value='-' />";
				html += common._baseInputHTML("input")+"type='text' class='webix_inp_counter_value' value='"+value+"'></input>";
				html += "<input id='"+id+"' type='button' class='webix_inp_counter_next' value='+'/><div>";
			return common.$renderInput(config, html, id);

You can replace a built-in label with a separate “label” view

It will provide the same visual result, but without a label on-click behavior.