Css is not applied in IE9, please help to fix it

I found that datatable will addStyle in _render_initial function, when you have more datatable in web page, or use SPA(switch Several ui), some css is not applied according to IE limitation (http://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/262161).

		this._scrollSizeX = this._scrollSizeY = webix.ui.scrollSize;

		webix.html.addStyle("#"+this._top_id +" .webix_cell { height:"+this._settings.rowHeight+"px; line-height:"+(this._settings.rowLineHeight || this._settings.rowHeight)+"px;" +(this._settings.fixedRowHeight?"":"white-space:normal;")+" }");
		webix.html.addStyle("#"+this._top_id +" .webix_hcell { height:"+this._settings.headerRowHeight+"px; line-height:"+this._settings.headerRowHeight+"px;}");
		this._render_initial = function(){};

Maybe it’s better to append new css rules into one styleSheet?

You are correct, in old IE version this code really can cause the problems for long running app.

We will try to fix this issue in the next update ( Webix 2.4 ) Most probably we will change addStyle to reuse the same style tag instead of adding new ones.

Thanks for pointing the issue.