Custom filter logic on datatable

How can I add custom function on filtering datatable loaded with parse function?

Server filtering doesn’t work if no url is specified.
How can I extend textFIlter to use ajax requests for example?

Foud solution:

webix.ui.datafilter.api_filter = {
  getInputNode: function (node) {
    return node.firstChild.firstChild;
  getValue: function (node) {
    return this.getInputNode (node).value;
  setValue: function (node, value) {
    this.getInputNode (node).value=value;
  refresh: function (master, node, value) {
    node.component =;
    master.registerFilter (node, value, this);
    node._comp_id =;
    if (value.value && this.getValue (node) != value.value) {
      this.setValue (node, value.value);
    // Disable click events.
    node.onclick = webix.html.preventEvent;
    // Enable filter as type tracking.
    webix.event (node, 'keydown', this._on_key_down);
  render: function (master, config) {
    if (this.init) this.init (config);
      config.css = 'webix_ss_filter';
      return "<input "+ (config.placeholder? ('placeholder="'+config.placeholder+'" '):"")+"type='text'>";
  _on_key_down: function (e, node, value) {
    var code = (e.which || e.keyCode);

    // Ignore tab and navigation keys.
    if (code == 9 || ( code >= 33 &&  code <= 40)) return;

    if (this._filter_timer) window.clearTimeout (this._filter_timer);
    this._filter_timer=window.setTimeout (function (){
      api_request ();



you can set onBeforeFilter event:

      onBeforeFilter: function(columnId, value, config){
           /*your code*/
	   return false;

Thank you!