DataCollection and suggest


Is it possible to create a DataCollection, and then use it to provide data to a suggest-list attached to a ui.text ?

I need to load data from the server, using a specific proxy and datatype. A DataCollection seems to be able to do that, but I cannot see if (and how) a suggest-list should be based on it.



You can link a suggest list to a DataCollection and then synchronize it with suggest list of the needed text control:

At the same time you can provide extra configuration (including proxy and datatype) within the suggest list itself:

    view:"text",  suggest:{

Thanks a lot for the answers.
I found that I can actually also create a suggest-list, and use the DataCollection as the data for it, directly:

var dc =new webix.DataCollection({
url: ‘/my/url’

view: ‘suggest’,
input: ‘myTextInput’,
data: dc