datagrid displaying template columns + meteor reactivity


I am using webix datatable in a meteor application.
In the datagrid 2 columns are template columns:
this.ui = webix.ui({ &nbsp;... &nbsp;columns: [{ &nbsp;&nbsp;id: 1, &nbsp;&nbsp;header: "Image", &nbsp;&nbsp;template: function(obj, common, value) { &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return "<img src='" + value + "' />"; &nbsp;&nbsp;}}, { &nbsp;&nbsp;id: 2, &nbsp;&nbsp;header: "Meteor Template", &nbsp;&nbsp;template: function(obj, common, value) { &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return Blaze.ToHTMLWithData(Template.myTemplate, {data: value, min: 0, max: 3}); &nbsp;}}], &nbsp;... });

The problem that because template must return HTML, the data is not reactive anymore and if my image path changes or the data passed to the Meteor template changes, I will not get the change reactively.

Any idea to make it reactive?


The main idea, is to link the datatable itself to the reactive data source, in such case, datatable will repaint related cells ( will run template function ) each time as related row changed in the reactive data source.