I was just wondering how we’d go about adding ARIA attributes to the different webix cells like in this example:
There is no built-in ARIA support, but you can use column templates to add your own HTML markup with ARIA attributes
Are there any samples using column templates?
There is no any special sample unfortunately
Please check the next snippet
Basically, you can use templates to define your own HTML elements for the data cells.
Hi maksim. we at Appsflyer are using webix datatable on all of our dashboards. Lately, we’re trying to support accessibility in our products. I noticed that your table is column base and not row base. We got a report from accessibility company that your table is not accessible, even with your above example.
here is the example: https://dequeuniversity.com/library/aria/tables/sf-table-sortable.
Do you have any solution that support that iso ?
Hi @shimibar,
We support the WAI-ARIA roles embedded in our structure of the datatable. The full description of the supported features you can find at related docs chapter, but currently, there are no short-term plans to extend or change the current behaviour.
I noticed that your table is column base and not row base.
Correct. The column-based structure was chosen intentionally as a foundation for the dynamic rendering of data. From our experience, such features as lazy rendering (datable uses it by default for rows and columns) provide remarkably better performance on big datasets when the data is rendered column-wise. The same is true for the case where the structure of columns need to be updated (hiding/showing, drag-n-drop of columns, etc.).