Datatable: apply multiple lines to a single column


I would like to have two text lines in one column and only a normal single line in the other columns. Is it possible to apply “rowHeight” to a single column instead of the whole datatable?

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Hi, @jpuntomarcos!
You can try to use adjustRowHeight function. In this situation row height is adjusted to the height of the cell in a column, which is defined by the columnId parameter:

this.adjustRowHeight("title", true);

Here is an example: Code Snippet

Thanks @NastassiaM . However, what I want is two have a maximum of two text lines in one column. How would you modify the snippet to have only two text lines in column “Film title”?

Thanks again :slight_smile:

You can limit the number of lines by setting maxRowHeight. Please, check the result: Code Snippet

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Most probably you are talking about colspan feature

Thank you both very much. maxRowHeight worked perfectly :slight_smile: