Datatable cache issue with IE

Hi, Maksim,

There’s a cache issue with IE when requesting in GET mode, and I knew that you suggested adding an extra parameter, say a timestamp, to the url to avoid getting old data. But how can I do this with a datatable without invoking the load() method with an extra url parameter each time?



you can use custom proxy:

webix.proxy.get = {
    load:function(view, callback, params){
        params = params || {};
        params["ts"] = (new Date()).valueOf();
        webix.ajax().bind(view).get(this.source, params, callback);


Hi, Maria.

Thanks for you reply.

But how can I achieve this without invoking any method? I mean, can I make a datatable automatically add the extra url parameter “ts” each time the datatable is refreshed with only url set?

Above solution doesn’t require any extra methods. You can use the same UI config as previously, just prepend an URL with “get->”

{ view:"datatable", url:"get->some.php" }

That’s quite easy! Thanks a lot!