January 20, 2016, 11:19pm
Looking for some assistance adding a context menu to a datatable using the MVC framework. I’ve tried a few different options such as creating a view for the context menu ect and am not moving forward. Any direction?
define([ "controllers/data_table", "models/data_table" ],function(c,m){ var grid = { view:"datatable", borderless: true, select:true, columns: m.columns, autoheight:true, url:"", datafetch:50, pager: "pagerA" }; return {$ui:grid}; });
January 21, 2016, 3:01pm
That helps, doesn’t completely show MVC though. I would like to reuse the context menu component. This is what I was able to put together so far:
define([ "controllers/data_table", "models/data_table", "views/context_menu" ], function(c,m,context_menu){ var grid = { view:"datatable", id:"data_table", borderless: true, select:true, columns: m.columns, autoheight:true, url:"", datafetch:50, onContext:{}, pager: "pagerA" }; return { $ui:grid, $oninit:function(view, scope){ scope.ui(context_menu); $$("context_menu").attachTo($$("data_table")); } });
define(function(){ return { $ui:{ view:"contextmenu", id:"context_menu", data:["Add","Rename","Delete",{ $template:"Separator" },"Info"], on:{ onItemClick:function(id){ var context = this.getContext(); var list = context.obj; var listId =; webix.message("List item: <i>"+list.getItem(listId).title+"</i> <br/>Context menu item: <i>"+this.getItem(id).value+"</i>"); } } } }; });
The same context menu can be easily linked with several components at once.
Please, check this article and the sourse code of the following sample: