I have a select column in a datatable with options and I would like to reference the label of the option (not the value) in a template as I would like to change the background colour (in a css). How to achieve this?
Using {obj.aufgabe_status} I get in the datatable column the values (1,2,3 or 8) but not the label (“nicht bearbeitet” f.e)
id: "aufgabe_status",
editor: "select",
header: ["Status", {content: "selectFilter"}],
//width: 120,
sort: "string",
options: [
{id: 1, value: "nicht bearbeitet"},
{id: 2, value: "in Bearbeitung"},
{id: 3, value: "on hold"},
{id: 8, value: "erledigt"}
fillspace: 1,
template:"<span class='status status#aufgabe_status#'>{obj.aufgabe_status}</span>"