datatable width responsiveness when changing browser size


In the datatable width is calculated dynamically and set on the element style of several tags (webix_dtable, webix_hs_center, table, webix_ss_center, webix_ss_center_scroll).
When changing the size of the browser window, these widths are not recalculated and therefore the datatable is not responsive.
If the datatable is first displayed with a little browser window and then I maximize it, width is not spread 100% but rather the datatable is still narrow.
How can I overcome this issue?

I eventually solved the issue by doing the following but I am wondering if there is not a better solution in term of code and performance.

$(window).resize(function() {

By the way,grid.resize() instead ofgrid.adjust() works too, so if my solution is OK, what should I better use?


Adjust sets size of the control according to the size of HTML container.

Resize starts a bit more complex size negotiation, which may resize a control to a HTML container, or resize HTML container to a control ( if control has a fixed sizes for example )

In common case, just use .resize


I saw a different example:

var eventId = webix.event(window, 'resize', function(){

Is this better and should I detach the event when destroying the grid?


webix.event(window, ‘resize’,

is exactly the same as


there is no any significant difference.
As for eventRemove, normally you need not use it, as on page unloading all events will be detached automatically.

if you are creating a single page app, where grid may be created and destroyed on the fly, it has sense to remove the global event handler after removing the related grid object.