Dataview as dynamicly loading list issue

I’m trying to create a list using dynamic loading, so I am using a dataview instead of a list. Whenever I set xCount to 1 or increase the width of the item to force one item per row the vertical scroll bar is only long enough for the currently visible items. As soon as I have 2+ items on a row the scrollbar and works as expected.

If I manually set the height of the scrollbar then I can scroll through the list and results load in as expected. I’m not sure whats going on here. Anyone else experience this/ have any suggestions. List defined as below:

{id: 'contact-list', gravity: 0.4,
view: "dataview",
template: "http->/templates/contact-list-item.php",
type: {height: 70, width:"auto", css: 'contact-list-item'},
select: true,
url: root_url + '/contact/'


If the issue can be represented in our snippet tool (or maybe with a particular Webix version), please share it. The following code works well for me even in the older versions:

Thanks for the reply, and the snippet. While it did not resolve the issue, it did allow me to find the reason for the issue. If the total height of the list exceeds 1,000,000 then this is where the issue stems from.

This can be replicated, crudely, by increasing the height in you’re given example to take the total height over 1,000,000 as seen here

It is an issue in the latest Chrome. Browser parses big height values incorrectly.

We will contact Chrome team, and if the issue will not be resolved in the browser, we will add some workaround to the library.