Dataview control no. of items in a row

I would like to display 6 items in a row of dataview. The width will be the width of the browser. So, I am calculating the width by reading the window.outerWidth. Viewing in a PC always shows 5 in a row, due to the scrollbar display, where as in a tablet, it shows 6. How do I fix in PC,so that it can show 6.

Just use xCount:6, dataview will calculate width of item automatically

Thank you. I would like to calculate the height according to the width. For example the height will be always 1.5 times of width. How to do it by calculating the automatic width.

You can use onBeforeRender event to define more complex sizing rules

Thank you. It seems lot of options are there from the previous (dhtmlxtouch) version.

Yep. Public API is very similar. In many cases replacing “dhx” to “webix” in old Touch code will produce the working Webix code.

Webix has a lot of new components and extra functionality though.