Date Picker issue

Hello Team,

When we were using webix version 2.2.0 while selecting date picker we were getting value “YY-MM-DD” format. Now we are using version 2.2.10 while selecting date picker we are getting value “YY-MM-DD 00:00” format. Can you please help me how to get a value while selecting date picker value in “YY-MM-DD” format.

For Example if you run the below program

Layout and Resizer

In webix version 2.2.0 we are getting 2015-04-23

In webix version 2.2.10 we are getting 2015-04-23 00:00.

Please help me to fix the issue.


Yes, getValue method has been changed in the latest version. Now it returns result in the format defined in webix.i18n.parseFormat that is “%Y-%m-%d %H:%i” by default. This date format is common for all views.

If “%Y-%m-%d %H:%i” format does not fit, you can redefine it as follows:

webix.i18n.parseFormat  = "%Y-%m-%d";