DateRange Filtering


I have created this snipped to make dateRange filtering.

which is not working on purpose.

I have seen in documentation that I have to add new Date ()
like this

   var data = [
			{ id:1, title:"Create snippets for Alan", date:new Date(2016, 07, 07, 14, 55)},
			{ id:2, title:"Call Barbara for license", date:new Date(2015, 07, 08, 18, 20)},
			{ id:3, title:"Check newbie's code", date:new Date(2016, 05, 04, 11, 08)},
			{ id:4, title:"Fix bugs with multi selection", date:new Date(2016, 01, 06, 15, 26)},
			{ id:5, title:"Answer support letters", date:new Date(2016, 11, 23, 22, 17)},
			{ id:6, title:"Implement secret functionality", date:new Date(2016, 04, 16, 16, 40)}

The thing is that the dates comes from PHP and I have to declare foreach date

	    	obj.due_date = new Date(obj.due_date)

but I have 30 datatables with a lot different date columns and I would not like to declare them all in $init.

How can I do it better ?

I think the best solution is this

        value = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', new Date(value)); // new Date(value);
        return value; 

and this is added in each column you want of datatable in column definition

The problem is that now the date filter does not work.

Posted snippet

Need some help

One more snippet with timestamps but the date filter looks that not works

Please note that the format affects only visual representation (as well as the template), while filters and editors work with the real data.

>the dates comes from PHP

In this case, you can define a custom proxy for the data loading/saving and modify needed data during the loading:

Another option is a data mapping.

columns: [                                               
     id: "year", width: 150, 
     header:["Date", { content:"dateRangeFilter"}],

Good morning,

I think this with map could work fine

One other thing I would like to mention is that to work with dateFIlter I sould add as an example the filter as =mm/dd/yyyy (07/17/2025).

If I have format %d.%m.%Y and I want to add the filter based on the format it will not work

There is any build solution ?


Also the dates in data MUST have only the format Y m d to render the right values and make the filter after

{title:"title1", date:"2016-01-25"},
{title:"title1", date:"2016-02-25"},
{title:"title1", date:"2016-03-25"},
{title:"title1", date:"2016-04-25"},
{title:"title1", date:"2016-05-25"}

dateFilter works according to the current locale. For the "en-US" the default date format is mm-dd-yyyy. You can redefine it as follows:

webix.i18n.dateFormat = "%d.%m.%Y";

As for the data mapping, it is based on the standard data parsing pattern parseFormat, which is also applied globally.

Actually, you can change it, but note that it will affect the entire app, i.e. all dates will be translated accordingly: