Delete event button still showing

scheduler.config.readonly = true;
scheduler.config.selected_toolbar = [
	{view:'label', width:70, css:"cancel",name:"back",id:"back", label: "Back"},
	{view:'label', inputWidth:120, css:"cancel", id:"location", align:"right",
	label:"<span class='webix_icon fa-map-marker'></span>Location", click:"showLocation"}


scheduler.config.bottom_toolbar = [
	{view:"label",id:"today", name:"today", label:scheduler.locale.labels.icon_today,
	  inputWidth:scheduler.xy.icon_today, align:"center",width:scheduler.xy.icon_today+6},
	{view:"segmented", id:"buttons", value:"week", align:"center",
	  multiview:true, options:[
		{id:"day", value:scheduler.locale.labels.day_tab, width:scheduler.xy.day_tab},
		{id:"week", value:scheduler.locale.labels.week_tab, width:scheduler.xy.week_tab},
		{id:"month",value:scheduler.locale.labels.month_tab, width:scheduler.xy.month_tab}
	{view:'label',width:60, align:"right", name:"logout", id:"logout", label: "Logout" , click:"logout"}


Even it is set in readonly mode, the “delete event” button is still showing at event detail page.

Could you please advise?


we have not managed to reproduce the problem locally. Could you please provide mode details about the issue:

  • can the issue be reproduced in /01_basic/04_readonly.html scheduler sample ?

  • what device are you using ?

If I do not custom the scheduler.config.bottom_toolbar, the issue will not be came up.

Most of the common device have this issue


Could anyone advise?

Please provide any kind of sample or demo link where issue can be reproduced.

Hi, below is the sample link

even I set the readonly mode to “true”, I still able to edit or delete event.

Please advise.


You are using custom configuration of toolbars (“add” button is removed). In this case built-in “readonly” mode won’t be applied. You can try to hide necessary buttons manually:

    view: "scheduler",
    id: "scheduler",