how to disable the Enter key on text box.because in some case in my project if i take the cusor in a text box and click the Enter key then its call the another method.
The text control doesn’t have any key handlers by default.
Can you share some snippet or online demo where problem can be checked ?
Hello Maksim,
This is the same issue which I have raised, you can check the below example in IE9 and 10, chrome/mozila this issue is not coming.
#areaA{ margin: 30px; } Basic Initialization <div id="areaA"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
function openCustomerPage(){
alert("Customer Page is open");
view:"form", scroll:false,
{ view:"text", label:"Email"},
{ view:"text", label:"Password"},
view : "text",
value : "",
label : "Customer",
labelWidth : 130,
width : 320,
labelAlign : "right",
id : "customerName"
cols : [
view : "toggle",
type : "image",
image : "../../../codebase/iconSearch.gif",
width : 30,
click : "openCustomerPage",
id : "customerNameLookup"
cols : [ {
view : "text",
value : "",
id : "customerId",
hidden : true
} ]
} ]
{ margin:5, cols:[
{ view:"button", label:"Login" , type:"form" },
{ view:"button", label:"Cancel" }
Issue in IE was fixed in latest build ( 2.1.1 ) - grab the updated package from