disable tabbar button

Hi, i want to disable the last button in my tabbar with id ‘disbar’. Here is my code :

options: [
{ value: "<span class='webix_icon fa-home'></span><span style='padding-left: 4px'>Home</span>", id: 'homeView' },
{ value: "<span class='webix_icon fa-envelope-o'></span><span style='padding-left: 4px'>News</span>", id: 'newsView' },
{ value: "<span class='webix_icon fa-phone'></span><span style='padding-left: 1px'>Info</span>", id: 'infoView' },
{ value: "<span class='webix_icon fa-film'></span><span style='padding-left: 4px'>Logout</span>", id: 'logoutView' },
{ value: "<span class='webix_icon fa-film'></span><span style='padding-left: 4px'>Logout</span>", id:'disbar'}

i have tried using $$(‘disbar’) but it shows undefined. How do i acccess the item properly ??

And one more thing, i cant open the webix.com/snippets, everytime i try to open it it shows error. I have uploaded the screenshot of my browser here :


Unfortunately, there’s no way to disable the particular tab, but you can use the addOption/removeOption API:


As for the issue with the snippet tool - it occurs only for your device/browser? We cannot detect any problem.

Yes it occurs only on my browser, i’ve tried with chrome, firefox and safari. I will test it on other device/pc then.