Displaying a modal form

How can I display a modal form, for example a login when the user clicks on an item that requires authentication?

This snippet displays a form in a modal, but because modals disable the keyboard (in order to prevent tabbing out maybe?), it’s impossible to type anything in the form.

Actually it works for me


Sorry, I linked to the wrong snippet. The one I tried used webix.modalbox (like your workaround example Disqus Profile - disqus_wZiScBd8iO) but it seems that I lost my snippet.

Anyway, In the meantime I ended up with the same solution, view: 'window', modal: true - http://webix.com/snippet/f084fb05

The problem is the second time I click on the “Show modal” button, I get a script error.

4 years later, I found the solution :slight_smile: That snippet calls .close(), which removes the window, with no possibility to bring it back. The correct way to close the window in the UI is to call .hide().