Drag & Drop/Resize Columns Does not work on mobile devices

Has anyone had success getting

dragColumns:true, dragColumns:‘order’, or resizeColumn:true to work on a mobile device?

dragColumns:‘order’ actually does work, but it freezes up sometimes. I can tell the columns are changing but it freezes up, and if I click again it will drop the column on whatever tab my mouse is over. Maybe it can be activated on longpress?

Any thoughts? Here is a codepen to check it out.

I can confirm both issues ( actually it is one issue with incorrect drop handling on touch devices )

Fix will be available in next few days.

You are the man maksim! How will I know when the fix gets released?

You can subscribe to our github repo ( GitHub - webix-hub/webix: Stable releases of Webix UI - JavaScript library for building mobile and desktop web apps ) or twitter to be informed about updates.

Will do sir, thanks again

Hey maksim, do you think this update will get pushed to the next release?

We already have a fix locally, if you have the active license, please contact us directly at support@webix.com

The official build will be available till the end of April

Hey no worries, I can wait sir. Thanks for the heads up!