Dynamic data loading in tree

Thanks, it works

on: {
	onDataRequest: function (id) {
			webix.ajax().get("data.php?parent="+id+"&level="??).then(function (data) {
				return data = data.json();

		return false;

How could I pass the level parameter to my script php? I really need this parameter because I have a dynamic hierarchy too. For example, the default hierarchy is l1 → l2 → l3, but user could change it and put l1 → l3 → l2. Therefore, I need to know what level it is to pass to my php script the name of the next level (that will be determined with a search in an array at same position of the level).

I got it!

var grid = webix.ui({
	container: id,
	on: {
		onDataRequest: function (id) {


It’s the way that I got it. Is it the right way?