Dynamic loading external Template with parameter

Hello I please you for a help or hint.
I want to load an external template with placeholders. and after this I want to fill placeholders with content. I did this:

    view: 'template',
            text: 'Hello Mr. Mishmash',
               onAfterLoad: function(){
               //Load  template
               webix.ajax().post('/Template/load/', {}, 
                  function (text) {
                    $$('Template1').setHTML('<div id="WelcomeTemplate" style="margin:10px;">'+text+'</div>');

placeholder is #text#. That means I load an external template with placeholders which should be filld with content! Is this possible? And what is the best way?



Hi @Michael ,
If I uderstood you correctly, you would like to have a template with some static text and some dynamic value?
I would suggest to use setValues method for this case.

Please, check the snippet: Code Snippet

Feel free to correct me if i misunderstood you

Yes, thanks a lot I’ll try this out…