dynamic serverside loading for suggest or dataview

is there the possibility of dynamic serverside loading for suggest or dataview? I need to refilter suggest or dataview based on user text input. Datatables have serverFilter into header, suggest and dataview have fixed url .


Thank you Listopad. A little question: how can I control the result set of the serverside url? I mean, I am used to return a json response with errors and I would like to examine that response before any bind or whatever else, with axjax.get it’s simple (success: and error:) but how I can defer the url attribute?

As for the loading, here’s a sample for the dataview: http://docs.webix.com/samples/06_dataview/01_initialization/02_url_loading.html

And the same will work for the combo/richselect (and here’s a way to filter values). Note that the filtering for such control will work only through theonBeforeShow event:


But if you need to filter them depending on the datatable filter, you can catch onAfterFilter event, get the value of the particular filter and

a) filter the dataview;

b) store this value as an additional variable for the combo:


There are few ways, the most simple, instead of some.load(url) you can use

        //obj - server side response, check or preprocess it in any way
        return obj;

If you are using the same checking rules for different datasources, it possible to create you own data type and use

webix.proxy.safe = /*custom proxy code*/;



url: "safe->my.php"


Thank you both. I think that the custom proxy is most suitable for me.